Safeguarding overview
We strive to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable tennis and padel experience.
Everyone who is involved in tennis and padel has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk.
Reporting a safeguarding concern
If you have a safeguarding concern, please use our secure online form to provide the details (anonymously if you wish).
If you'd like to speak to someone outside of office hours, you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999).
If you have a complaint about a non-safeguarding related matter, please review our customer guidance to understand the best way to get support.
Any enquiries which are not answered by an FAQ are to be submitted through the Contact Us form.
Safeguarding Plan 2024-2026
Read our current safeguarding strategy.
The LTA's Lead Safeguarding Officer is David Humphrey who can be contacted at
Resources and help
We have a range of resources, including template policies, forms and guidance, which are available below. In addition, there are safeguarding FAQs available on the LTA Support Centre.
The LTA wants tennis in Britain to be at the forefront of safeguarding in sport and LTA Registered venues and Accredited coaches play a vital role in achieving this. This is why we have partnered with Sport England to pilot a cutting edge safeguarding awareness campaign aimed at clubs, coaches, parents and players.
The LTA has sent campaign cards to our Registered venues and Accredited coaches. To order more materials please go to the My Tennis Toolkit. By downloading the ‘Zappar’ app and scanning the card you can access real life dramatized safeguarding cases and top tips videos for coaches and parents which including guidance on use of social media, photography and filming. The website has lots of additional information and guidance.
This campaign builds on our industry leading safeguarding standards and will help to ensure we safeguard children and young people across the sport so that they can enjoy playing tennis.
David Humphrey, Head of Safeguarding, LTA, said: “Nothing is more important than the safety and wellbeing of those involved in our sport. We have made significant progress over the last few years with tennis now at the forefront of safeguarding in sport. However, abuse can happen anywhere and at any time, and working with Sport England to lead and test an innovative campaign like Safe to Play demonstrates our commitment to helping prevent abuse from happening.”
- Safeguarding version control - 5 December 2024
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Compliments and Complaints Policy*
- Disciplinary Procedure policy
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Event, Activities and Competition Guidance
- Mental Health and Well-being Advice and Support
- Online Safety and Communication Policy
- Photography and Filming Policy
- Safe Recruitment Policy
- Safeguarding Guidance for Livestreaming Activities
- Safeguarding Guide County Cup and League Matches (for a printer friendly version, click here)
- Safeguarding Training for Committees to record completion of this training, please click here
- Standards for Deployment for Assistant Coaches and Roles that Facilitate Play
- Staying Safe Online Guidance (for a printer friendly version, click here)
- Supporting Players with Their Mental Health
- Use of Changing Rooms Policy
- Venue Safeguarding Policy
- Venue Safeguarding Policy Statement
- Video explaining the changes and updates to the template safeguarding policy (14 minutes)
- Video explaining the changes and updates to other template policies (13 minutes)
*This is a venue management resource. Other venue resources, templates and best practice guides to help tennis venues run effectively are available here: LTA Venue Resources Library.
The safeguarding newsletter is sent quarterly to all Welfare Officers and County Safeguarding Officers. If you do not receive it, you need to opt into marketing communications for your LTA profile.
Copies of previous newsletters are available here:
- Childline - Call 0800 1111 or click for help and advice for children on a wide range of issues.
- Activity Alliance - disabled people in sport and activity
- Stonewall - advice and support for LGBT people
- Sporting Equals - advice and support on ethnic diversity across sport and physical activity
- Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code - advice and information about sun safety
- NWG Voices in Sport - Impacts of Competition
- NWG Voices in Sport - The Welfare & Well-being Guide
- NWG Voices in Sport - Adverse childhood experiences
- NWG Voices in Sport - It feels like yesterday (video), I'm okay coach? (video), Listen, Believe, Respond (video)
These flowcharts set out the process on reporting a concern depending on whether it involves children or adults at risk, and whether the concern arose within tennis or outside of the sport.